About Us

Where are we?

The Elmwood Lawn Bowling Club (ELBC) was founded in 1911 and has always been located at 17½ Edward Street, on the west side, mid-way between Bruce Street and Elmwood Avenue in London Ontario. An easy 10-minute walk west of Wortley Village, the club is accessed by a narrow laneway and tucked in behind the houses. Look for our banner and sign at the end of the laneway during the outdoor playing season.


What’s on site?

On site there are two lawn bowling greens with eight rinks each, a clubhouse with a complete kitchen, men’s and a women’s washrooms, storage lockers, a shed and garage containing bowling and grounds keeping equipment. All ELBC duties are performed by member volunteers.


Who are we?

ELBC is a privately owned, not-for-profit corporation, relying on volunteerism of members for the governance, maintenance and promotion of our facilities.

Visitors are encouraged as spectators and potential bowlers at all of our events, whether they be jitneys* or tournaments. We try to have a member available to greet and share with you our knowledge of, information about and enthusiasm for this great outdoor activity. Do drop by and say hello, and stay awhile.

          *jitney = a casual game of bowls (see Programs for more info)

 Video produced by Brent Lale of London ANews for our 2011 Centenary.

Draw games (jitneys)

Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 a.m. and at 7:00 p.m. during summer, draw games are held for members. Draw games have no predefined teams and are organized to accommodate whoever shows up that day.


Throughout the year, socials are held (Christmas, Canada Day, etc) either in the form of a fun tournament and BBQ or a sit-down dinner in the clubhouse. They are typically organized by the In-Club Activities Director, and are open to all members and their guests for a nominal fee to cover expenses.


Throughout the year, various types of tournaments are held. There are intra-club tournaments, and several inter-club invitationals open to all members of Ontario Lawn Bowling Association (OLBA) District 2 lawn bowling clubs. These will be on the calendar and all members are encouraged to play at their own level.

Free Lessons

Free private or group lessons can be scheduled with a coach at a mutually convenient time. In the past we have had an early spring Learn to Bowl group, but have had to discontinue that due to Covid restrictions.


The ELBC is a member of the District 2 area, a region under the auspices of the Ontario Lawn Bowling Association (OLBA), and of Bowls Canada, the national organization. OLBA holds tournaments throughout Ontario and our more ambitious bowlers participate. You can also advance to National Tournaments, and even international competition.

Governing Body

The ELBC is governed by a ten-member Board of Directors: president, past-president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and five directors at large.


The club publishes a monthly newsletter, HOGLINES, which is distributed electronically to all members, or mailed to those who so prefer.