Board of Directors

The ELBC Board of Directors are all volunteer members of the club and generally sit for a term of two years.

You can reach any Board member through our
Contacts page.

Carolyn Hoskin

Carolyn has had a long association with ELBC, sleeping on the benches as a child or practicing the piano while her grandparents and father bowled.  She was briefly a junior member in the late 80’s but didn’t rejoin the fold until 2009 when she started bowling competitively with her father and touring southwestern Ontario with him. Carolyn first came on the board as Secretary, thanks to Shan Maxwell.

Past President
Brian Webb

Vice President

Pirkko Sheldrick

Pirkko joined the club in 2018 after retiring from her teaching career. She started on the Board in 2022 as Secretary and has worked diligently to support the club since, giving generously of her time. She is a very active volunteer with our blind bowlers every Wednesday, and enjoys the game herself.

Leigh Folliott

In 2015 Leigh was introduced to the sport of lawn bowls in Sun City Arizona. Upon his return to London, he selected Elmwood as his home club. As a player, he has  represented the club in competitions and the ELBC District 2 at Provincial championships five times. A retired Chartered Accountant, he has served on the Board as Treasurer for the past four years.

Charlotte Fleming

Charlotte first bowled at the club in 2015 and was immediately hooked, joining in 2016. She became a volunteer member of the Board in 2017 in the role of In-Club Activities Director and in 2021 took on the position of Communications Director and is enthusiastically trying to ‘grow’ the club.

In-Club Activities
Pam Alexander

Pam joined the club in 2016 and enjoyed outdoor bowling and the community spirit at ELBC. In 2018, she became a member of the Board as Communications Director, taking on the role of In-Club Activities Director in 2021. She also is an avid carpet bowler in the winter months.

Inter-Club Activities
Doug Sheldrick

Doug retired from his teaching career, was happy to join the club in 2018 and has been on the Board since 2021. He is a very active volunteer with our blind bowlers every Wednesday, and enjoys the game himself. He looks forward to administering inter-club tournaments.

Indoor Property Management Kim Benke

Elmwood Lawn Bowling club.

Outdoor Property Manager
Mitch Young

Sixty years ago, Mitch used to walk with his brother past the Elmwood Lawn Bowling Club every school day, and wonder what lawn bowling could be.  Fast forward to 2017, he visited the club during the Doors Open London, threw a few bowls after a quick lesson, and was sold on the game. On his retirement from Western a year and a half later, Mitch signed up for “learn to bowl” sessions and joined the club. He is now an accomplished bowler, an active volunteer on the greens, and enjoys socializing with other club members.

Membership Coordinator
Sandra Fox

Introduced to Elmwood in 2015, Sandra joined as a member the following year, eventually taking on the role of Membership Co-Ordinator. This is not officially a Board position, but Sandra is an integral part of the team. You will find her on the greens most days in the summer!