Programs & Schedules

What's happening at ELBC in 2023?

What we strive toward in 2023, is improving our greens and expanding our programs.


Visit this web site for updates, or send us an email if you wish to be on a contact list in anticipation of the upcoming season.

Jitney Schedule

A Jitney is a casual game of bowls where whoever shows up 15 minutes ahead of playing time will be put on the roster. They are non-competitive and the teams are random, providing an excellent way to get to know and socialize with fellow members, enjoy the game and improve your skills. Our schedule will be maintained as in previous years.


Any non-member interested in watching a game or visiting the club can come in at these times.

Morning Jitneys

10:00 a.m. – noon
Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Evening Jitneys

7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Monday, Wednesday
A typical sunny morning jitney at ELBC.


The ELBC holds tournaments throughout the season. These can be ‘just for fun’ as in Canada Day, where all members and guests are welcome to attend, or more competitive with a Sponsor and prizes. Most of our tournaments will be In-Club, which means exclusive to our members.


We also host Inter-Club tournaments sanctioned by the Ontario Lawn Bowling Association and Bowls Canada. These are for all bowlers in our district, where they compete for top prize and move on to Provincial competition.


The dates, times and details can be found on our calendar of events, and visitors are welcome to watch.

Canada Day 'fun' tournament.
Mixed pairs Inter-Club Tournament.

Indoor Carpet Bowling

From October through April we literally ‘roll out the carpet’ in the clubhouse and bowl indoors, using the same bowls as in the outdoor game. It is much less physically demanding, but still requires a lot of finesse, and many who can no longer participate outdoors for various reasons, find they can still bowl indoors. For outdoor bowlers, it is a good chance to keep up the skills in the winter months, not to mention keep up with your friends over a cup of tea.
Indoor bowls is set up in the fall and you can find that information on our website at the end of the outdoor season. If you would like to be on a waiting list for indoor bowls, please send an email through our contact page.